咨询电话:0550-7531035  18055056813


[作者:]      [发布日期:2017-06-27 21:52]

Rubber sheathed flexible cable with intermediate frequency, low-consumption and equilibria for aviation

适用范围 Application
航空用中频低耗平衡橡套软电缆适用于中频 400HZ ,交流额定电压 250V 及以下的航空机场供电及检测电器用的连接线
This product is suitable for connection wire of power supple in airport and inspection electric appliances for aviation with A.C. voltage 250V and intermediate frequency 400HZ. 


与国外同类电缆 M5756/2 、 81774 相比, WHYT-400HZ/250V 型电缆具有以下特点:
Comparing with the same products M5756/2 、 81774abroad, the cable WHYT-400hz/250V has advantages as followings:
Stable structure, better security and more excellent than the same products abroad.
More flexible than the same products abroad with best flexibility.
(3)安装使用方便,国外多根合并线安装时需穿管使用, WHYT 型电缆可直接使用,节省耗材,大大降低安装成本。
Lower cost and more convenient in installation . The cable with the type WHYT may be directly laid. But several united-wires abroad should be laid by poling .
(4)生产成本低,国内销售价格仅为国外同类产品价格的 1/8 ,为国家节省大量外汇,为用户不但节约了资金,又减少了进口环节的麻烦。
Lower produce cost , The domestic price of the cable shall be only half quarter of the price of the same abroad, saving more foreign exchange for the nation and more money for users without depending on import.

电线电缆随机推荐: YCPB,YZPB橡胶扁平电缆 阻燃电力电缆,阻燃控制电 防蚁防鼠专用电缆! 耐高温补偿电缆SC KC KX 光伏单芯电线! YJV交联高压电缆 超柔软拖链电缆! 海上石油平台专用防爆电缆 耐油防腐电缆! 龙门吊卷筒电缆——内置特 风电电缆! 耐高低温扁电缆 高柔性拖链软电缆!!! WDZ系列低烟无卤阻燃环保电 耐高温防火控制电缆! 橡套扁电缆 橡套电缆(YC-3*95+2) YC,YZ,YCW橡套电缆 YC-J电缆重型钢丝加强型橡套 CEFR石油平台橡套电力电缆 交联聚乙烯绝缘阻水电力电 UGEFHP,UGEFP矿用高压掘进机电 UYPTJ-3.6/6矿用移动屏蔽监视 采煤机用橡套柔性电缆 JHS潜水电机用防水橡套软电 潜水电机电缆-JHS,JHSB防水 26/35kV及以下防水耐水特种电 CERF,JHS防水船用电缆 通用橡套柔性电缆 煤矿用阻燃橡套软电缆
文章标签: 橡套软电缆,橡套电缆,航空
上一篇:上一篇:YC 3*70+1*25 橡套软电缆